Privacy Policy
The Therapy Network’s Privacy Policy for Client Information
This document describes the policy of The Therapy Network Pty Ltd for the management of your personal information. We are bound by the legal requirements of the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) (Privacy Act), including the Australian Privacy Principles. This policy contains information about how we collect, retain, use and disclose your personal information. All employees are required to adhere to the policy at all times.
Personal information that we may collect and retain
If you are one of individuals that we deal with, such as a client, care giver of a participant, a person who applies for a position with us or their referee, we may hold personal information about you. The type of personal information we will hold we depend upon the circumstances in which we deal with you.
This may include personal information such as name, address, contact phone numbers, email address, and other information which is relevant to the service being provided.
The information we collect may include sensitive information about your health and other relevant matters.
We may collect this personal information directly from you. However, we may also receive your personal information from a third party, such as a referee for a job application or, where reasonably necessary, a third party who has information which may assist in the assessment, diagnosis or treatment of your health condition.
The purpose for which we will collect, retain, use and disclose your personal information
We will only collect, retain, use and disclose your personal information as reasonably necessary for the purpose of providing you with services and as otherwise permitted by law. These purposes may include:
- the assessment and diagnosis of health condition(s);
- the treatment of your health condition(s);
- arranging or facilitating the provision of services;
- the selection and recruitment of staff;
- compliance with various laws that may require the collection of your personal information (e.g. when your client files are audited)
- preparation of reports requested by you or third parties
We may disclose your personal information where a failure to disclose may place you or another person at risk.
The third parties to whom we may disclose your personal information
We may disclose your personal information to third parties that include:
- our related entities or affiliates;
- other persons who we deal with in relation to relation to education and schools when services are delivered on school premisis
- providers of services related to the diagnosis, assessment and treatment of your health condition(s);
- other persons that we reasonably believe may be able to assist us in providing services to you in connection with the diagnosis, assessment and treatment of your health condition(s) (e.g. family members or carers);
- your agents or personal representatives (e.g. your solicitors);
- the government body, agency or organisation funding your treatment
- law enforcement authorities, government bodies or agencies, and courts; and
- other parties to whom you consent to the disclose of your personal information.
We do not ordinarily disclose your personal information to overseas recipients. However, some of the third parties that we may disclose your personal information to may be based overseas. It is not practicable to list all the countries in which the relevant third parties may be located, as this may depend on your personal circumstances (e.g. whether your health condition(s) have been assessed, diagnosed or treated in a foreign country).
The storage of your personal information
We store your personal information in both electronic form on our computer system and in hard copy documents. We will take reasonable measures to protect your personal information from misuse, interference and loss and unauthorised access, modification or disclosure.
Access and correction of your personal information
You may access personal information that we have retained about you, subject to certain exceptions in the Privacy Act.
We will take reasonable measures to ensure that your personal information is accurate, up- to-date and correct. However, if you believe that information that we hold about you is not accurate, up-to-date or correct, you may contact us to request a change to this personal information.
You may request in writing access to personal information we hold about you or a correction to your personal information (see “contact us” below).
Privacy complaints
If you believe that we have breached the Privacy Act, please contact us in writing (“see “contact us” below). We will investigate your privacy complaint. We will respond to you with the outcome of this investigation in writing as soon as possible.
If we believe your complaint is justified, we will aim to resolve this complaint with you.
If you are not satisfied with how we have handled your complaint, you may complain to the Office of the Information Commissioner (further information is available on the website:
Contact us
To contact us regarding any privacy-related matter described in the policy, please contact us:
The Therapy Network
PO Box 257 Braybrook